Hello Vetters. So here I am. Member #31. hotrodpc from OKC. Don't currently have a Vette as of yet. Just an enthusiest for now and maybe someday an owner. Step Bro does though and always been a fan. Worked on a few back in the older days, of the Stingray. Building motors, tuning, rebuilding transmissions, and a couple of rear gear swaps.
Have towed several. Can't say I like that much. They're a PITA. Have also cleaned up a couple in accident scenes. That's not so bad. They seem to just sweep right up mostly being shredded fiberglass and plastic.

OK, I know, that wasn't funny. I'd have pics but many times on an accident scene you don't want to look like the gore monger and out taking pics of someone else's misfortune. I may have a few pics of them on my truck though.